Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do If I would like to use DOCTOR VISIT HOTEL service?
You just call 08 4304 1177 or 08 2013 2001 to make an appointment and wait us at your hotel.
Do you have extra charge if DOCTOR visit me after midnight?
Yes,the cost is slightly higher than normal time.
When will my sickness be gone cause I don’t want to waste my time at hotel only?
We specialise in tourist ‘s diseases more than 10 years so you will get better soon from your illness and can come back enjoying your trip quickly.
If I must fly tonight but I still have had terrible symptoms. Do you have any way to treat me?
Don’t worry. We know how to recover from sickness very fast and also have many patients as same your situation.
Do you have medical reports for my insurance company?
Yes, we normally provide medical document and bill to our patients who have an insurance.